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Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 4 з 4
  • Ескіз
    Dominant Determinants of Adaptation of the Mining Complex in the Conditions of a Dynamic Environment
    (Wydawca POTOPK, 2023) Hryhoriev, Yu. I.; Lutsenko, S. A. ; Joukov, S.; Григор’єв, Ю. І.
    Modern business conditions increasingly clearly demonstrate the dynamism of the surrounding world. Such changes in economic, technological, social and economic factors must be taken into account when planning and designing mining operations. In this article, it is proposed to consider the mining region as an anthropotechnical complex from the standpoint of a systemic approach. Management strategy of an open-pit group was developed and nomograms for practical use are given on its basis. Based on this decomposition approach, an adaptation mechanism is proposed. Its principle is that a set of adaptation tools is adopted for each rank of the anthropotechnical complex. The experience of using these tools in the conditions of the Kryvyi Rih mining region is given, in particular, the use of worked out space for the placement of overburden from other open-pits, the joint placement of enrichment tailings and waste rocks, etc. An approach to distinguishing stages and indicators of adaptation according to the proposed mechanism is proposed.
  • Ескіз
    Аналіз технологічних підходів і досвіду відпрацювання хвостосховищ Кривбасу
    (Національний гірничий університет, 2022) Жуков, С. О.; Григор’єв, Ю. І.; Луценко, С. О.; Joukov, S.; Hryhoriev, Yu. I.; Lutsenko, S. A.
    Ускладнення умов ведення відкритих гірничих робіт і складні зовнішні фактори неодмінно призведуть у майбутньому до погіршення техніко-економічних показників розробки родовищ. Комплексне освоєння родовищ є одним з перспективних варіантів виправлення даної ситуації, а цілеспрямоване формування і відпрацювання техногенних родовищ – головним способом розширення мінерально-сировинної бази Кривбасу. Метою даної роботи є узагальнення досвіду розробки хвостосховищ Кривбасу і теоретичних підходів щодо формування схем комплексної механізації їх відпрацювання для подальшого створення наукового підґру-нтя розширення сировинної бази Криворізького гірничо-видобувного комплексу.
  • Ескіз
    Use of mining and metallurgical waste as a backfill of worked-out spaces
    (THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, 2022) Bolatova, A.; Kuttybayev, A.; Каinazarov, А.; Hryhoriev, Yu. I.; Lutsenko, S. A. ; Григор’єв, Ю. І.
    The sustainable growth of the economic development of the mining industry directly depends on the level of implementation of innovative technologies in production. Rational use of subsoil in the development of deposits should be based on the maximum completeness and complexity of extraction of useful components. Today, the issue of introducing low-waste and non-waste environmentally friendly technologies is especially acute. The main direction of using waste from mining and metallurgical production is the filling of mined spaces. There is extensive experience in the use of production wastes in stowing operations, technologies for stowing operations have been developed, which are used in many mines at the mines of East Kazakhstan. One of the urgent tasks in these conditions is the development of resourcesaving technologies for the extraction of minerals based on the diversification of the products of mining enterprises, which ultimately will reduce the cost of mining and increase the profitability of production and the competitiveness of the final products of mining companies. The article provides a substantiation of the main direction of using mining and metallurgical waste as a backfill of mined spaces, a resource-saving technology of mining based on the diversification of the output of mining enterprises, parameters of reducing the cost of mining and increasing the profitability of production and the competitiveness of the final products of mining companies and parameters of reliable artificial massifs in mining systems with backfilling of mined spaces are given [1]. It is recommended to use the technology at mining enterprises with complex mining and geological conditions.
  • Ескіз
    Open pits productivity control along with iron ore products demand variation
    (Криворізький національний університет, 2019) Lutsenko, S. A.; Shvets, E. M.; Hryhoriev, Yu. I.; Швець, Є. М.; Григор’єв, Ю. І.
    One of the most important conditions for any deposit efficient mining is justified determination of its operational capacity. At that the productivity of ore mining refers to strategical design solutions, which are very hard to be changed in case of necessity.