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Документ Angular measurement errors in underground mine surveying reference networks(Державний університет "Житомирська політехніка", 2024) Nazarenko, V. O.; Brui, H. V.; Krivoruchko, А. O.; Levytskyi, V. H.; Назаренко, В. О.; Бруй, Г. В.; Криворучко, А. О.; Левицький, В. Г.Surveyorʼs reference networks are the main geometric basis of all underground surveys and consist of polygonometric courses laid, as a rule, along capital and main mine workings. When laying polygons along mine workings, horizontal angles between each two adjacent sides of the course, inclination angles and lengths of the course sides are measured. Each measurement is performed with some error, which eventually leads to errors in determining the coordinates of polygon points. The peculiarities of underground polygonometric courses due to their forced configuration determined by mine workings, the presence of forced short sides and a limited number of starting points, contribute to the rapid accumulation of errors in the course as the distance from the starting points. The accuracy of measurements in the polygonometric passes, laid in the construction of underground reference networks, is characterized by the general normative indicators: the mean square error of measurement of horizontal angles of 20", vertical angles – 30". According to the requirements of the current normative instructions, the measurement of angles in underground polygonometric passages should be made with theodolites of T15 type or theodolites with the accuracy of the reference device not less than 15". The last requirement applies to theodolites of T30 type. In polygonometric moves laid along the mine workings with an angle of inclination of less than 30 °, the angles are measured in one repetition or reception. Measurement of angles in mine workings with an inclination angle of more than 30 ° is recommended to perform a method of techniques (at least two), observing the following rule: before each technique set the vertical axis of rotation of the theodolite in a plumb position and re-centering the device. If we proceed only from the instrumental component of the total error of angle measurement to ensure the mean square error of horizontal angle measurement ±20" theodolite type T15 should perform angle measurement in one full method, and theodolite T30 – in three methods. Instrumental error of angle measurement is caused by errors of sighting, counting, eccentricity of the limb and alidade, incorrect geometry of the horizontal circle, non-verticality of the theodolite rotation axis. The studies of errors in measuring horizontal angles in underground surveyorʼs polygonometric courses made it possible to draw the following conclusions: – the recommendations of the instruction «Surveying work at coal mines and surface mines» on the use of theodolites with a readout accuracy of 15" does not provide the required accuracy of horizontal angle measurements; – when using theodolites of T15 type to measure the angle with sides up to 20 m it is necessary to use only automatic centering of theodolite and signals; The scientific paper contains charts for determining the ways of centering and the number of methods of measuring horizontal angles in underground surveyorʼs polygonometric moves.Документ Assessment of the technical condition of water infrastructure facilities using the example of regulatory basins(Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2021) Chushkina, I. V.; Maksymova, N. M.; Orlinska, O. V.; Pikarenia, D. S.; Hapich, H. V.; Roubík, H.; Максимова, Н. М.; Орлінська, О. В.; Пікареня, Д. С.Документ Determination of design indicators of earth surface deformations for mineable buildings and structures(Інститут геотехнічної механіки ім. М.С. Полякова НАН України, 2023) Nazarenko, V. O.; Brui, H. V.; Kuchin, O. S.; Назаренко, В. О.; Бруй, Г. В.; Кучин, О. С.Coal is one of the main sources of energy in Ukraine. Underground coal mining is concentrated in the ar-eas of Eastern and Central Donbas, Western Donbas, and in the Lviv-Volyn region. Development of coal seams leads to displacement of rocks and uneven subsidence of the surface. Surface movements and deformations cause serious damage to the environment. They affect residential and industrial infrastructure, and can cause destruction or disruption of operating conditions. Risks to surface structures can be reduced by predicting subsidence and surface deformation over underground workings. In Ukraine, the method of typical subsidence and deformation distribution functions is used for forecasting. This is a simple and universal method, but it does not take into account the differences in deformations in different zones of the shear trough depending on the direction of movement of the face. For this reason, incorrect predic-tive estimates of the impact of mining operations on the earth's surface, man-made natural, industrial and civilian objects arise. This paper presents a methodology for determining the estimated deformations of the foundations of civilian build-ings that are being faked, taking into account the assessment of the estimated impact of mining operations, which takes into account the peculiarities of the formation of the shear trough in space and time. This methodology was developed to supplement and clarify the "Temporary technical conditions for the protection of structures and natural objects from the impact of underground mining operations. KD 12.00159226.013-95" for the conditions of underground mining of coal seams in the Western Donbas, as well as other deposits with similar conditions and parameters of the earth surface displacement process. It is based on modern concepts of rock and earth surface movements during underground mining of coal seams with horizontal and gentle rock occurrence; results of analysis of numerous instrumental surveying obser-vations, including frequency ones, at observation stations of mines in Western Donbas. The obtained regularities allow for a more objective selection and application of protection measures for civil buildings. This reduces the risks during the operation of buildings, makes it possible to plan repair and restoration work, and to make a rea-sonable assessment of buildings and territories in the real estate market.Документ Determination of the transfer step of the ore chute while mining the technogenic deposit of the bulk type(EDP Sciences, 2020) Peregudov, V.; Hryhoriev, I. Ye.; Joukov, S.; Hryhoriev, Yu. I.; Григор’єв, І. Є.; Григор’єв, Ю. І.Further development of the open mining works on the domestic enterprises will be accompanied by the worsening of mining-geological conditions and declining of the quality of iron ore raw materials. In the same time, the accumulated mining wastes, that can make the technogenic deposits, pass into one of the important sources of the mineral raw materials. Taking into account this thing, the development and implementation of the modern technological circuits of the technogenic deposit development is an actual calling for mining industry, and determination and optimization of process conditions of the technogenic deposit development – is the scientific task of this publication. The obtained results of studies of the optimum step value of the ore chute transfer during the technogenic deposit development can be used by design organizations and mining enterprises for designing works. The obtained methodology and the proposed mathematical dependencies will reduce the cost of mining of the technogenic deposit due to the reasonable timely transfer of the open ore chute.Документ Directional fracturing of rock by soundless chemical demolition agents(On Ching Lo, 2024) Sakhno, I. G.; Sakhno, S. V.; Сахно, І. Г.; Сахно, С. В.Rock fracturing is one of the main processes in the modern mining, mineral recovery, and energy industry, which is associated with the numerous environmentally harmful influences. Environmentally friendly alternative to conventional fracturing methods is non-explosive technology, which based on using of soundless chemical demolition agents (SCDA). In this study, method of directional fracturing, which based on creating tensile stress concentrators on the hole surface in the required location, was proposed. Considering the influences of additional installation in the borehole of stress concentration cartridge on stress field nearby the hole, a case study of the effectiveness of proposed rock fracturing method was performed in this paper. A numerical simulation was used to study the stress distribution around the borehole with SCDA in different rock types. It was found that cartridge installation leads to the occurrence of the tensile stress concentrations only near to the gap of the cartridge. The value of tensile stress concentration in the proposed rock fracturing method significantly depends on a cartridge gap distance. An increase in the gap distance leads to a decrease in the stress concentration factor. For granite, sandstone and mudstone, relationships of stress concentration factor to cartridge gap distance that was divided on hole diameter were obtained. The equation for calculating of the hole spacing for the directional fracturing method was proposed. The results of the study are confirmed by experiments in-situ on the directional fracturing of rocks in a quarry and in a coal mine.Документ Dominant Determinants of Adaptation of the Mining Complex in the Conditions of a Dynamic Environment(Wydawca POTOPK, 2023) Hryhoriev, Yu. I.; Lutsenko, S. A. ; Joukov, S.; Григор’єв, Ю. І.Modern business conditions increasingly clearly demonstrate the dynamism of the surrounding world. Such changes in economic, technological, social and economic factors must be taken into account when planning and designing mining operations. In this article, it is proposed to consider the mining region as an anthropotechnical complex from the standpoint of a systemic approach. Management strategy of an open-pit group was developed and nomograms for practical use are given on its basis. Based on this decomposition approach, an adaptation mechanism is proposed. Its principle is that a set of adaptation tools is adopted for each rank of the anthropotechnical complex. The experience of using these tools in the conditions of the Kryvyi Rih mining region is given, in particular, the use of worked out space for the placement of overburden from other open-pits, the joint placement of enrichment tailings and waste rocks, etc. An approach to distinguishing stages and indicators of adaptation according to the proposed mechanism is proposed.Документ Ecological Condition of Land Around Regulatory Basins of Irrigation Systems in the Dnipropetrovsk region(Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2019) Maksymova, N. M. ; Orlinska, O. V.; Chushkina, I. V.; Pikarenia, D. S.; Чушкіна, І. В.; Максимова, Н. М.; Орлінська, О. В.; Пікареня, Д. С.It is shown that the NPEMFE method is possible for using to allocate water filtration zones through the ground-based dams of basins of reclamation systems. It is allow to quickly taking measures to reduce water losses and deteriorate the ecological state of the underground hydrosphere around the regulatory basins.Документ Experience and prospects of innovative main roadways construction and maintenance technologies of new coal units of PJSC «Mine Management «Pokrovske»(ПП "ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНИЙ ЦЕНТР"; Полтавський державний аграрний університет, 2023) Levit, V. V.; Kamenets, V. I.; Chebotenko, D.; Левіт, В. В.; Каменець, В. І.The object of research is the proven and promising innovative technologies for the construction and maintenance of main roadways in difficult mining and geological terms of the Private Joint Stock Company (PJSC) Pokrovske Mine Management of Metinvest-Pokrovskvugillia Group (Ukraine). The problem focused by the research is to ensure the effective innovative and modernized known technologies application of the main roadways construction and maintenance in new coal units. Namely, the roadways and chambers of the shaft yards, long horizontal and inclined main roadways to improve their operational state and technical and economic indicators of mining engineering and extracting operations. Based on the accumulated production experience, the results of the roadways state survey under construction and in operation, analysis of documentation and scientific and technical developments of world scientific institutions, recommendations for the investment projects implementation in terms of construction and mining technologies optimizing had formulated. The recommendations include the introduction of combined support systems adapted to mine management conditions, tunneling equipment of a new technical level of the world’s best producers, methods of roadways maintaining by location in offloaded areas, and modern means of Geomechanic situation monitoring. The expected economic benefit of reducing the cost of roadways maintaining may be 20–25 %. The results are summaries of cooperation with the engineering and technical staff of Mine Management Pokrovske and Metinvest Holding. The results can be used in practice now, and more broadly after the victory and the start of economic recovery, including in Ukraine’s mining sector.Документ Floor Heave Control in Gob-Side Entry Retaining by Pillarless Coal Mining with Anti-Shear Pile Technology(MDPI, 2024) Sakhno, I. G.; Sakhno, S. V.; Skrzypkowski, K.; Isaienkov, O.; Zagórski, K.; Zagórska, A.; Сахно, І. Г.; Сахно, С. В.The severe floor heave in gob-side entry retaining is the major restriction factor of the wide application of pillarless mining thin coal seams. Reinforcement and stress-relief floor heave control methods are the most promising. However, in practice, floor restoration is widely used. Therefore, floor heave control technology in gob-side entry retaining needs to be improved. This study proposes anti-shear pile technology to control floor heave in gob-side entry retaining. The research was mainly carried out by numerical simulation. It was found that the transformation of high vertical stresses in the entry floor underneath the filling wall and coal seam body into horizontal stresses starts the floor heave process. The vertical dilatancy of rocks under the roadway span and their subsequent unloading lead to the delamination of the floor strata and uplift of the entry contour. In this paper, the best pile installation scheme was found. It is a 2pile 5+2 scheme with the installation of two piles, each 2 m long. After that, it was shown that filling piles are more than 3.3 times cheaper than comparable analogs, and pile installation is less labor-intensive. The implementation of the proposed floor heave control method leads to a reduction in heaving by 2.47 times.Документ Impact of ground surface subsidence caused by underground coal mining on natural gas pipeline(Springer Nature, 2023) Bazaluk, O.; Kuchyn, O.; Saik, P.; Soltabayeva, S.; Brui. H. V.; Lozynskyi, V.; Cherniaiev, O.; Бруй, Г. В.Underground mining of minerals is accompanied by a change in the rock mass geomechanical situation. This leads to the redistribution of stresses in it and the occurrence of unexpected displacements and deformations of the earth’s surface. A significant part of the civil and industrial infrastructure facilities are located within the mine sites, where mining and tunneling operations are constantly conducted. Irrational planning of mining operations can lead to loss of stability and destruction of undermined facilities. Therefore, it is important to study the earth’s surface deformation processes during mining operations, which ensures safe and sustainable operating conditions. The research objective of this paper is to analyse the behaviour of a natural gas pipeline under the influence of underground mining activities, with a particular focus on understanding the effects of horizontal surface deformations and their potential impact on pipeline safety and structural integrity. Its performance and safety are determined on the basis of the found parameters of the earth’s surface horizontal deformations and their comparison with permissible parameters characterizing the conditions for laying pipelines, depending on the mining-geological conditions and the degree of their undermining. Based on determined conditions for the safe undermining of the natural gas pipeline, it has been revealed that in its section between the PK212+40 and PK213+80 (140 m) pickets, the estimated parameters of the earth’s surface horizontal deformations exceed their permissible values. This can cause deformation and damage to the pipeline. For the safe operation of the pipeline during the period of its undermining, in order to eliminate the hazardous impact of mining the longwall face, additional protection measures must be applied. It is therefore recommended that the gas pipeline between the PK212 and PK214+20 pickets be opened prior to the displacement process (200 m from the stoping face), thus reducing the density of the gas pipeline-soil system. Recommendations for controlling the earth’s surface deformations within the natural gas pipeline route are also proposed, which will ensure premature detection of the negative impact of mining operations.Документ Mechanical model and numerical analysis of a method for local rock reinforcing to control the floor heave of miningaffected roadway in a coal mine(IOP Publishing, 2022) Sakhno, I. G.; Sakhno, S. V.; Kamenets, V. I.; Сахно, І. Г.; Сахно, С. В.; Каменець, В. І.A floor heave controlling method has been substantiated, based on the creation of locally reinforced zones of a special shape in roadway floor, which allows saving stability even with a low rocks friction ratio. The method is based on a mechanical model of the formation of an increasing strength spacer system in roadway floor. The numerical analysis of rock massif stress-strain state carried out by the finite element method, has made it possible to determine the mechanism of floor heave during rock reinforcing. The performed analysis of the simulation results has made it possible to determine the influence of the quality of rock reinforcing and the rock friction ratio value on the amount of heave in the mining-affected roadway. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been proven as a result of a comparative analysis.Документ Numerical simulation of the surface subsidence evolution caused by the flooding of the longwall goaf during excavation of thin coal seams(IOP Publishing, 2023) Sakhno, I. G.; Sakhno, S. V.; Petrenko, A. V.; Barkova, O.; Kobylianskyi, B.; Сахно, І. Г.; Сахно, С. В.Underground mining has a significant influence on ground movement, which induces serious environmental disturbances on land. Movements of the rock strata can be the cause of changes in the hydrogeological regimes of groundwater. As a result, the risk of flooding of the longwalls goaf increases. The specific phenomenon of the Ukrainian Donbas is the flooding of the underground roadway system at the result of the closure of the mines. Water saturation of rocks leads to a decrease in its strength. The result is repeated subsidence. The activation of the ground movement processes over the longwall goaf due to their flooding has not been studied enough. In this paper, for the geological conditions of thin coal seams typical for the Ukrainian Donbas, ground movement evolution caused by flooding of longwalls goaf was studied. Ansys code was used to analyze the evolution of surface displacement in different hydrogeological conditions. As a result of numerical simulation, it was found that full flooding of the longwall goaf leads to an increase in surface subsidence by 22.4%, while the length of the trough increase by 1.3%. Maximal inclination increases by 34.4%, and maximal curvature – by 74%. This contributes to a significant increase in hazards for surface infrastructure located on the edges of the subsidence trough. The control of the negative impact on surface infrastructure objects, water and agro-industrial objects can be ensured by a timely prediction of ground movement and the implementation of surface controlling methods to prevent critical surface deformations.Документ Numerical studies of floor heave control by the rock bolts reinforcement technology in retained gob-side gateroad(EDP Sciences, 2024) Sakhno, I. G.; Sakhno, S. V.; Kamenets, V. I.; Cabana, E. C.; Сахно, І. Г.; Сахно, С. В.; Каменець, В. І.The effectiveness of modified rock bolts reinforcement technology for floor heave control in gob-side entry retaining was studied in this paper. A finite-element numerical simulation was used to analyse stress-strain state of surrounding rocks before and after immediate floor reinforcement with six floor support schemes. It was found that after immediate floor reinforcement with rock bolts with diameter 32 mm and 96 mm, floor heave in retained gob-side gateroad reduces by 2.94 – 3.6 times respectively. The modification of rock bolt reinforcement scheme by the additional installation of piles in the entry corners was proposed. Piles installation significantly reduces the zone of horizontal and vertical post-peak strains in the gateroad floor. The best variant among compared ones is a floor support scheme with two corner piles, 1 m and 2 m long. With this scheme, floor heave decreases by 3.05 times. The comparison of the materials costs of the floor support schemes were performed. As a result, the most effective floor support scheme was proposed and prospects for the further progress of floor reinforcing technologies were outlined.Документ Numerical studies of floor heave mechanism and the effectiveness of grouting reinforcement of roadway in soft rock containing the mine water(Elsevier, 2023) Sakhno, I. G.; Sakhno, S. V.; Сахно, І. Г.; Сахно, С. В.A floor heave is a serious failure phenomenon in mining roadways, especially in soft rock containing the mine water. Considering the influences of moisture content on rock properties, a case study of the floor heave mechanism and grouting control technology was performed in this paper. The results of laboratory tests showed that with the increase of moisture content, the compressive strength and friction angle of mudstone linearly decreased, while the deformation modulus and cohesion tended to a negative exponential decrease approximately. A numerical simulation was used to study the stress and strain distributions of the surrounding rock. It was found that significant floor heave was caused plastic deformation of mudstone under high moisture content. In the case of large floor heave a “core” of vertical expansion is formed in the floor strata. This area of the surrounding rocks is mainly involved in the development of floor heave. Grouting reinforcement was proposed to control the floor heave. Five grouting schemes with different depth of reinforcement were studied. The numerical simulation demonstrated that after grouting reinforcement, plastic strain in the floor strata was reduced effectively. The minimum required grouting depth is determined by the allowable floor heave and moisture content. Ideally, the floor heaves could be reduced when the grouting depth is greater than the area where the “core” of vertical expansion appears.Документ Open pits productivity control along with iron ore products demand variation(Криворізький національний університет, 2019) Lutsenko, S. A.; Shvets, E. M.; Hryhoriev, Yu. I.; Швець, Є. М.; Григор’єв, Ю. І.One of the most important conditions for any deposit efficient mining is justified determination of its operational capacity. At that the productivity of ore mining refers to strategical design solutions, which are very hard to be changed in case of necessity.Документ Possibilities of the geophysical method for the establishment of water filtration from regulating irrigation basins(Harran university agriculture faculty, 2018) Orlinska, O. V.; Maksymova, N. M. ; Hapich, H. V.; Chushkina, I. V.; Pikarenia, D. S.; Nakonechnyi, V. G. ; Орлінська, О. В.; Максимова, Н. М.; Пікареня, Д. С.There are results of field research using the geophysical method of natural impulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth (NIEMFE), established zones of water filtration from the regulating irrigation pool, determined water losses due to filtration. It is shown that it is possible using the NPEMFE method to reliably and quickly allocate water filtration zones through the ground-based dams of water basins of reclamation systems. It is allow to quickly taking measures to reduce water losses and deteriorate the ecological state of the underground hydrosphere around the pools of water-reclamation purpose.Документ Predictability of a small-amplitude disturbance of coal seams in Western Donbas(Національний гірничий університет, 2020) Prykhodchenko, V. F.; Shashenko, O. M.; Sdvyzhkova, O. O.; Prykhodchenko, O. V.; Pilyugin, V. I.; Приходченко, В. Ф.; Шашенко, О. М.; Сдвижкова, О. О.; Приходченко, О. В.; Пілюгин, В. І.To identify development regularities of a small-amplitude disturbance in terms of typical Western Donbas mine fields and to define the most efficient tendencies of its prediction.Документ Problems of technical exploitation and ecological safety of hydrotechnical facilities of irrigation systems(Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, 2020) Rudakov, L. M.; Hapich, H. V.; Orlinska, O. V.; Pikarenia, D. S.; Kovalenko, V. V.; Chushkina, I. V.; Zaporozhchenko, V. Y.; Рудаков, Л. М.; Гапіч, Г. В.; Орлінська, О. В.; Пікареня, Д. С.; Коваленко, В. В.; Чушкіна, І. В.; Запорожченко, В. Ю.In this work, we analyzed and studied the Ukrainian typical hydrotechnical structures of the ameliorative complex on soil materials. On the examples of such objects in Dnipropetrovsk oblast, we carried out research and determined the technical condition of the transporting (main irrigation canals) and regulating (retention ponds) hydrotechnical structures (HTS). The main factors and the reasons for the negative engineering-geological processes occurring in those structures and affecting the ecological balance of adjacent territories were determined. The study revealed that the long period of exploitation and absence of corresponding technical care have led to significant losses of irrigation water from the canals and retention ponds. Due to the systemic absence and low use of monitoring researchers, we have proposed the use of prompt and low-cost methods and means of technical diagnostics. The article presents the possibility of using a complex of geophysical methods of natural impulse magnetic field of the Earth and vertical electrical sounding for the purposes of technical diagnostics. The possibility of recording plots and parameters of zones of seepage deformations in the body and at the base of the structures was visually determined and instrumentally proven. This allows identifying the amounts of technical and material resources, stages and order of implementation of repair-restoration works. It was determined that share of the damaged zones accounts for 20 to 35% of the total length of the hydrotechnical structures depending on their type and parameters of the constructions. In such conditions, the estimated losses of water equal 17-22% of the total amount of the delivery. The surveys showed that further operation of HC poses an ecological threat because of significant worsening of quality of water resources. The article presents disturbing dynamics of change in the irrigated areas involving the danger of secondary salinization, sodification, alkalinization, and toxification as a result of watering. We indicated threatening changes in the structures of the areas irrigated with low-quality water, which, according to various indicators of danger, increased by 1.4 times regarding threat of secondary salinization and by 2 times regarding threat of sodification. We proposed and substantiated approaches to improving the general technical and technological level of functioning of ameliorative structures in the context of maintaining ecological balance and economic practicability of their further use, based on the principles of systemic optimization of complex technical-natural ecosystems.Документ Prospective methods for determining water losses from irrigation systems to ensure food and water security of Ukraine(Національний гірничий університет, 2023) Hapich, H. V.; Orlinska, O. V.; Pikarenia, D. S.; Chushkina, I. V.; Pavlychenko, A.; Roubík, H.; Орлінська, О. В.; Пікареня, Д. С.To develop a complex system for technical diagnostics of soil hydrotechnical structures of irrigation systems for operative identification of damaged sites, reduction of nonproduction water losses, and maintaining ecological and economic efficiency of the hydroeconomic national complex in the context of water and food securityДокумент The relationship between lowering the earth's surface and bearing pressure above the advancing longwall face(Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2023) Kuchin, O.; Brui, H. V.; Yankin, O.; Ishutina, H.; Бруй, Г. В.This work aims to develop a method for determining the increase in stresses above an advancing longwall face of Western Donbas mines. The paper presents a solution to the problem. It is based on the analysis of geodetic instrumental observations of the earth's surface lowering and rock mass deformation above the advancing longwall face. Length and propagation in the roof and floor of the extracted seam are the main geometrical parameters of the zone of high rock pressure. Currently, the quantitative parameters of this zone are not considered. And its length under the conditions of Western Donbas is determined with an accuracy of 50%. Thus, research in this direction is relevant. The experimental basis for the research includes the results of observations performed at two vertical borehole extensometers and the results of data processing obtained at more than 30 observation stations on the Earth's surface. Thus, the research specified the geometrical parameters of the zone of high rock pressure and the nature of the vertical stress distribution within this zone. The paper introduces a method to determine a coefficient of stress increase above the advancing longwall face of Western Donbas mines. We also established the empirical coefficients of the vertical stress distribution function within the abutment pressure zone. There is a relationship between the lowering of the earth's surface and the values of the stress increase in the borehole edge part. The reliability of the obtained results is confirmed by geophysical studies in Western Donbas, as well as by the results of field observations.