Лінгвокогнітивні особливості дискурсу цифрової дипломатії
Варех, Н. В.
Рождественська, І. Є.
Varekh, N. V.
Rozhdestvenskaya, I. Ye.
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У статті проаналізовано лінгвокогнітивні особливості дискурсу цифрової дипломатії. Від-значено вплив дигітальних технологій на характер дискурсивних практик дипломатів. Зроб-лено висновок про їх персоналізованість та відкритість.
For a long time, diplomacy was of closed nature, it was not widely publicized, and the interaction was among the actors of the same institutional level. Nowadays, a communicative compo-nent of diplomatic activity has greatly widened thanks to the integration of technologies for carrying on public dialogue into diplomatic discourse. The impact of digitalization on the character of diplomatic discourse changes its key linguistic and cognitive features. It loses its closeness, commonness, rituali-ty. Instead, it gains personalization, stronger emotive and communicative features. Among the basic features of digital diplomacy discourse, the following should be mentioned: mechanisms of feedback, personalization of messages, limited institutionalization, image-making importance. The communica-tive system of digital diplomacy has a dialogic component represented mainly by adjusted mecha-nisms of feedback through the channels of comments. Etiquette forms of appreciation, greeting, and expressing respect are transformed from institutional to personal addressing.The important feature of social nets effecting functioning is a system of hashtags that, in par-ticular, are also used in open diplomatic discourse. They are the means of semantic compression in on-line environment of public diplomacy.
For a long time, diplomacy was of closed nature, it was not widely publicized, and the interaction was among the actors of the same institutional level. Nowadays, a communicative compo-nent of diplomatic activity has greatly widened thanks to the integration of technologies for carrying on public dialogue into diplomatic discourse. The impact of digitalization on the character of diplomatic discourse changes its key linguistic and cognitive features. It loses its closeness, commonness, rituali-ty. Instead, it gains personalization, stronger emotive and communicative features. Among the basic features of digital diplomacy discourse, the following should be mentioned: mechanisms of feedback, personalization of messages, limited institutionalization, image-making importance. The communica-tive system of digital diplomacy has a dialogic component represented mainly by adjusted mecha-nisms of feedback through the channels of comments. Etiquette forms of appreciation, greeting, and expressing respect are transformed from institutional to personal addressing.The important feature of social nets effecting functioning is a system of hashtags that, in par-ticular, are also used in open diplomatic discourse. They are the means of semantic compression in on-line environment of public diplomacy.
Ключові слова
цифрова дипломатія , твіпломатія , лінгвокогнітивні стратегії , дискурс , мережева комунікація , digital diplomacy , twiplomacy , linguistic and cognitive strategies , discourse , network communication
Бібліографічний опис
Варех Н. В., Рождественська І. Є. Лінгвокогнітивні особливості дискурсу цифрової дипломатії. Держава та регіони. 2019. №2 (38). С. 114-118.