Формально-структурні характеристики англомовної термінології сфери готельного бізнесу
Ескіз недоступний
Пефтієва, О. Ф.
Алексєєнко, М. В.
Тарапатов, М. М.
Peftieva, O. F.
Alieksieienko, M. V.
Tarapatov, M. M.
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Стаття присвячена аналізу структурних характеристик англомовної готельної термінологія, яка розглядається як складова туристичної терміносистеми сучасної англійської мови. Розглядаються основні структурні характеристики досліджуваних одиниць, визначаються моделі та особливості їх формальної організації, пропонується кількісний аналіз частотності представленості моделей в термінології готельного бізнесу.
This work is devoted to the analysis of formal and structural characteristics of the English language hotel business terms, which are a component of the tourist terminology of modern English. Our choice is due to the social and technological development of the society, which caused a mass occurrence of new terms that require systematization, unification and standardization. As to the formal and structural characteristics the English language hotel terms are represented by simple and compound units, terminological combinations, phraseological structures and abbreviations. It has been revealed that most of the simple and complex terms in the tourism sector are rethought literary words or terms borrowed from related fields of knowledge The terminological combinations are represented in the English language hotel terminology with -two, -three and fourcomponent combinations in which syntactic relations are often expressed with the help of prepositions and conjunctions Wherein, in two-component terminological phrases, the base component is usually expressed by the noun in the nominative case while the attributive component can be expressed by any part of speech The analysis of terminological abbreviations in the English language hotel terms made it possible to distinguish two groups of abbreviations: graphic and lexical abbreviations (abbreviation, clipping, blending). Depending on the method of formation, graphic abbreviations were divided into the abbreviations with all the elements preserved and the abbreviations with the one or more elements omitted in the creation of the abbreviations The lexical shortening of the English language hotel terms constitutes the bulk of the abbreviations and, in their turn are divided into abbreviations formed by the omission of some integral elements and abbreviations formed by the transformation of these elements.
This work is devoted to the analysis of formal and structural characteristics of the English language hotel business terms, which are a component of the tourist terminology of modern English. Our choice is due to the social and technological development of the society, which caused a mass occurrence of new terms that require systematization, unification and standardization. As to the formal and structural characteristics the English language hotel terms are represented by simple and compound units, terminological combinations, phraseological structures and abbreviations. It has been revealed that most of the simple and complex terms in the tourism sector are rethought literary words or terms borrowed from related fields of knowledge The terminological combinations are represented in the English language hotel terminology with -two, -three and fourcomponent combinations in which syntactic relations are often expressed with the help of prepositions and conjunctions Wherein, in two-component terminological phrases, the base component is usually expressed by the noun in the nominative case while the attributive component can be expressed by any part of speech The analysis of terminological abbreviations in the English language hotel terms made it possible to distinguish two groups of abbreviations: graphic and lexical abbreviations (abbreviation, clipping, blending). Depending on the method of formation, graphic abbreviations were divided into the abbreviations with all the elements preserved and the abbreviations with the one or more elements omitted in the creation of the abbreviations The lexical shortening of the English language hotel terms constitutes the bulk of the abbreviations and, in their turn are divided into abbreviations formed by the omission of some integral elements and abbreviations formed by the transformation of these elements.
Ключові слова
термінологія , структура , прості терміни , складні терміни , термінологічні сполучення , фразові термінологічні одиниці , скорочення , terminology , structure , simple terms , complex terms , terminological combinations , phraseological structures , abbreviations
Бібліографічний опис
Пефтієва О. Ф., Алексєєнко М. В., Тарапатов М. М. Формально-структурні характеристики англомовної термінології сфери готельного бізнесу. Актуальні проблеми філології та перекладознавства. 2021. Вип. 22. С. 18-23. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31891/2415-7929-2021-22-4 .