Метод аналізу рівня пріоритетності стейкхолдерів промислових підприємств
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Пропонований метод передбачає формування інтеграль-ної оцінки рівня пріоритетності стейкхолдера на підставі 11 окремих показників його діяльності, 9 з яких розраховують-ся формальним шляхом і є об’єктивними, а 2 визначаються експертним оцінюванням. Передбачено дії з мінімізації їх суб’єктивності. Визначення рівня пріоритетності стейкхолдерів складається з етапів, які включають розрахунок і нормалізацію окремих показників, що характеризують рівень можливостей стейкхолдерів; формування й нормалізацію окремих оцінок показників, що характеризують рівень інтересу стейкхолдерів; формування інтегральних оцінок пріоритетності стейкхолде-рів. Результати дослідження можуть використовуватися в сис-темі стратегічного менеджменту промислового підприємства. Стейкхолдери з високим пріоритетом потребують особливої уваги підприємства, оскільки можуть справити сильний вплив на його долю.
This paper describes the method for determining the priority level of stakeholders of industrial enterprises using economic and mathematical modeling. At the beginning of the article discussed existing approaches to prioritizing stakeholders and then improved some limitations of existing prioritization methods including its sub-jectivity and poor formalization. The paper develops ideas of matrix approach to assessing the priority level of individual stakeholders and proposes a method for obtaining more accurate integral assess-ment based on analysis of a set of indicators, taking into account factors of subjective estimates. The proposed method involves ob-taining an integral assessment of stakeholder’s priority level based on 11 individual indicators of its activity, 9 of which are obtained through a formal way and therefore are objective. The remaining two indicators are obtained using expert estimates. Also actions to minimize their subjectivity are provided. Determining the level of priority for stakeholders consists of several stages, which include calculation of separate indicators characterizing the level of oppor-tunities for stakeholders. Conversion of calculated values of sepa-rate indicators of the attribute “level of opportunities” to normalized. Formation of separate indicators characterizes the level of stake-holder’s interest. Conversion of the values of separate indicators of the attribute “level of interest” to normalized. Formation of integral assessments characterizes the level of opportunities and interest of stakeholders. The advantages of the proposed method are the lack of requirements for the availability of historical data and the relatively small cost of the assessment procedure. The main disadvantage of the proposed method is the requirements for the linear nature of the relationship between the numerical value of the indicator and its interpretation on a “better – worse” scale must be met. The results of the research can be used in the strategic management system of in-dustrial enterprises for a comprehensive assessment of stakehold-ers. Stakeholders with high priority level require special attention of the enterprise, as they can have a strong influence on its destiny.
This paper describes the method for determining the priority level of stakeholders of industrial enterprises using economic and mathematical modeling. At the beginning of the article discussed existing approaches to prioritizing stakeholders and then improved some limitations of existing prioritization methods including its sub-jectivity and poor formalization. The paper develops ideas of matrix approach to assessing the priority level of individual stakeholders and proposes a method for obtaining more accurate integral assess-ment based on analysis of a set of indicators, taking into account factors of subjective estimates. The proposed method involves ob-taining an integral assessment of stakeholder’s priority level based on 11 individual indicators of its activity, 9 of which are obtained through a formal way and therefore are objective. The remaining two indicators are obtained using expert estimates. Also actions to minimize their subjectivity are provided. Determining the level of priority for stakeholders consists of several stages, which include calculation of separate indicators characterizing the level of oppor-tunities for stakeholders. Conversion of calculated values of sepa-rate indicators of the attribute “level of opportunities” to normalized. Formation of separate indicators characterizes the level of stake-holder’s interest. Conversion of the values of separate indicators of the attribute “level of interest” to normalized. Formation of integral assessments characterizes the level of opportunities and interest of stakeholders. The advantages of the proposed method are the lack of requirements for the availability of historical data and the relatively small cost of the assessment procedure. The main disadvantage of the proposed method is the requirements for the linear nature of the relationship between the numerical value of the indicator and its interpretation on a “better – worse” scale must be met. The results of the research can be used in the strategic management system of in-dustrial enterprises for a comprehensive assessment of stakehold-ers. Stakeholders with high priority level require special attention of the enterprise, as they can have a strong influence on its destiny.
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Бібліографічний опис
Мінц О. Ю., Камишнікова Е. В. Метод аналізу рівня пріоритетності стейкхолдерів промислових підприємств. Приазовський економічний вісник. 2019. № 5(16). С. 170–174. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32840/2522-4263/2019-5-28.