Сутність та особливості впровадження моделей бізнес-процесів у системі управління на підприємствах в Україні
Латишева, О. В.
Карлаш, Ю. Д.
Latysheva, O. V.
Karlash, J. D.
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Назва тому
Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій
У статті розглянуто мотиви вибору процесного підходу до управління, визначено сутність бізнес-процесів та специфіку впровадження на підприємствах. Запропоновано визначення бізнес-процесу як сукупності логічно пов’язаних, послідовних та керованих завершених робіт, які виконуються для отримання очікуваного результату (продукції, послуг, інформації, еколого-економічного ефекту, соціального ефекту), який має вимірну споживчу цінність для конкретного споживача, населення або сегменту ринку. Встановлено місце бізнес-процесів у запропонованій моделі управління процесами підприємства. Розглянуто фактори впливу на бізнес-процеси підприємства, доведено необхідність врахування цих факторів під час побудови моделі бізнес-проектування для визначення наявних резервів задля підвищення загальної сталості підприємства, запропоновано використання сучасних методів управління та проектування бізнес-процесів “Workflow”.
The of article considers the reasons of choice of processes approach of management, the essence of business processes, their kinds and specific of introduction on enterprises were being certain. Determination of to the business-process is offered as aggregates of the successive and guided, completed works logically related, that is executed for the receipt of the expected result (products, services, information, eco-economic effect, social effect), that has measurable consumer value for a concrete consumer, population or market segment. The search of effective methods of management of business processes creates possibility of providing of steady development of enterprise. In the article the place of business-processes is set at the offered case of enterprise processes have been being frame, which must give complete description of fundamental aspects of business. For the improvement of the control system on an enterprise it is suggested to use modern method of management and design business- processes of notation “Workflow”. In the article the factors of influence are considered on the business processes of enterprise and the necessity of account of these factors is well-proven at the construction of model business-planning for determination of existent backlogs for the increase of general constancy of enterprise. The use on domestic enterprises of modern methodologies (“analysis of charges of time”, “quality management”, “supply in time”) of notation “Workflow” enterprises allows to formalize and automatize processes, improve the processes of receipt of information to the various objects that participate in a process, to do the process of making alteration standard procedure, including specific works, informative dependences and sequence of decisions and works. The scientific novelty of research of determination of essence and decoupling of business processes of enterprise, establishment of their specific with an aim in future electing of optimal method of management these processes with the use of modern tool of design of business-processes and specific of introduction on enterprises.
The of article considers the reasons of choice of processes approach of management, the essence of business processes, their kinds and specific of introduction on enterprises were being certain. Determination of to the business-process is offered as aggregates of the successive and guided, completed works logically related, that is executed for the receipt of the expected result (products, services, information, eco-economic effect, social effect), that has measurable consumer value for a concrete consumer, population or market segment. The search of effective methods of management of business processes creates possibility of providing of steady development of enterprise. In the article the place of business-processes is set at the offered case of enterprise processes have been being frame, which must give complete description of fundamental aspects of business. For the improvement of the control system on an enterprise it is suggested to use modern method of management and design business- processes of notation “Workflow”. In the article the factors of influence are considered on the business processes of enterprise and the necessity of account of these factors is well-proven at the construction of model business-planning for determination of existent backlogs for the increase of general constancy of enterprise. The use on domestic enterprises of modern methodologies (“analysis of charges of time”, “quality management”, “supply in time”) of notation “Workflow” enterprises allows to formalize and automatize processes, improve the processes of receipt of information to the various objects that participate in a process, to do the process of making alteration standard procedure, including specific works, informative dependences and sequence of decisions and works. The scientific novelty of research of determination of essence and decoupling of business processes of enterprise, establishment of their specific with an aim in future electing of optimal method of management these processes with the use of modern tool of design of business-processes and specific of introduction on enterprises.
Ключові слова
процесний підхід до управління , функціональний підхід , бізнес-процес , методи оптимізації та вдосконалення , процес , класифікаційні категорії бізнес-процесів , process approach of management , functional approach , business process , methods of optimization and improvement , process , classification categories of business processes
Бібліографічний опис
Латишева О. В., Карлаш Ю. Д. Сутність та особливості впровадження моделей бізнес-процесів у системі управління на підприємствах в Україні. Інфраструктура ринку. 2019. Випуск 29. C. 211–219.