Kruzhilko, O. Ye.Tkalych, I. M.Polukarov, O. I.Кружилко, О. Є.Ткалич, І. М.Полукаров, О. І.2023-10-052023-10-052019Kruzhilko, O., Tkalych, I. & Polukarov, A. (2019). Improvement of operational management of hygiene and labor safety on the basis of assessment of occupational hazard. Адаптивні системи автоматичного управління, 1 (34), 37-41. DOI: .Kruzhilko O., Tkalych I., Polukarov A. Improvement of operational management of hygiene and labor safety on the basis of assessment of occupational hazard. Адаптивні системи автоматичного управління. 2019. № 1 (34). C. 37–41. DOI: .2522-95751560-8956 purpose of the work is to provide grounds for the approach to the occupational hazard assessment. To complete the purpose, it is proposed to analyze the existing methods and approaches to the occupational hazard assessment and an approach to the occupational hazard assessment is proposed, which is based on the use of statistics on occupational injuries rates. The necessity of application of information systems for occupational hazard assessment is emphasized.enhygiene and labor safetyoccupational hazardoperative managementplanninginformation systemImprovement of operational management of hygiene and labor safety on the basis of assessment of occupational hazardArticle