Kruzhilko, O. Ye.Maystrenko, V.  V.Storozh, Ya.Lyakh, Yu.Кружилко, О. Є.Майстренко, В. В.2023-10-052023-10-052019Kruzhilko, O., Maystrenko, V., Storozh, Ya. & Lyakh, Yu. (2019). Evaluating the effectiveness of measures to reduce the level of occupational injuries and occupational disease in the enterprise. Адаптивні системи автоматичного управління, 1 (34), 32-36. doi: .Kruzhilko O., Maystrenko V., Storozh Ya., Lyakh Yu. Evaluating the effectiveness of measures to reduce the level of occupational injuries and occupational disease in the enterprise. Адаптивні системи автоматичного управління. 2019. № 1 (34). C. 32–36. DOI: .2522-95751560-8956 article proposes a methodical approach to assessing the effectiveness of measures to reduce the level of industrial injuries and occupational morbidity in the enterprise, taking into account the causal relationships betweenthe implementation of measures and the economic indicators of the enterprise.A mathematical model for the prediction of indicators of industrial injuries and occupational morbidity has been adopted.enoccupational injuriesoccupational diseasesoccupational healthharmful and dangerous working conditionspredictive modelEvaluating the effectiveness of measures to reduce the level of occupational injuries and occupational disease in the enterpriseArticle