Kruzhilko, O. Ye.Maystrenko, V.  V.Kalinchyk, V. P.Polukarov, Yu. O.Mitiuk, L.Bilotserkivska, N.Borysova, L.Kachur, T.Кружилко, О. Є.Майстренко, В. В.2023-10-062023-10-062020Kruzhilko, O., Maystrenko, V., Kalinchyk, V., Polukarov, Y., Mitiuk, L., Bilotserkivska, N., Borysova, L. & Kachur, T. (2020). Development of the effective information and analytical support of the OSH management system. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 99 (2), 72-84. doi: O., Maystrenko V., Kalinchyk V., Polukarov Y., Mitiuk L., Bilotserkivska N., Borysova L., Kachur T. Development of the effective information and analytical support of the OSH management system. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. 2020. Vol. 99. Issue 2. P. 72-84. DOI: urgent problems in the OSH management field in the in European countries to create effective information and analytical support for the OSH management system.enOccupational Safety and HealthUndeclared workControlInformation and analytical supportDevelopment of the effective information and analytical support of the OSH management systemArticle