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Документ Analysis of the influence of the constructive features of stepping machines on the interaction of the supporting surface of skis with soil(Тернопільський національний технічний університет, 2018) Dzerzhinska, O. V. ; Дзержинська, О. В.The stepping machines constructivefeatures influence on the interaction of the skis supporting surface with ground is analyzed. The comparison is justified with the known stepping mover’s constructive features. It is determined that the necessity of the supporting elements using increasesthe adhesion strength of the stepping machine with ground greatly. The experimental research of the change in the adhesion strength at the stepping mover cycle beginning has confirmed that the "chevron" supporting element of the skis has more adhesion with ground than those with straight supporting elements. The experimental research results concerning the stepping mover power characteristic dependence on the supporting element of the skis height, the pressure of the skis on the ground and the displacementforce allow us to determine the optimal skis construction of the stepping motor.Документ Analysis of the stability factors of Ukrainian banks during the 2014–2017 systemic crisis using the Kohonen self-organizing neural networks(LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, 2019) Mints, A. Yu.; Marhasova, V.; Hlukha, H.; Kurok, R.; Kolodizieva, T.; Мінц, О. Ю.The article proposes an approach to analyzing reliability factors of commercial banks during the 2014–2017 systemic crisis in the Ukrainian banking system, using the Kohonen self-organizing neural networks and maps. As a result of an experimental study, data were obtained on financial factors affecting the stability of a commercial bank in a crisis period.It has been concluded that during the banking crisis in Ukraine in 2014–2017, the resource base of a bank was the main factor of this bank stability. The most preferred sources of resources were funds from other banks (bankruptcy rate of 5.7%) and le-gal entities (bankruptcy rate of 8%), and the least stable were funds from individuals (bankruptcy rate of 28.5%).The relationship between financial stability and the amount of capital and the structure of bank loans is less pronounced. However, one can say that banks that focused on lending to individuals experienced a worse crisis than banks whose main borrowers were legal entities.The tools considered in the article (the Kohonen self-organizing neural networks and maps) allow for efficiently segmenting data samples according to various criteria, including bank solvency. The “hazardous” zones with a high bankruptcy rate (up to 49.2%) and the “safe” zone with a low rate of bankruptcy (6.3%) were highlighted on the map constructed. These results are of practical value and can be used in analyzing and selecting counterparties in the banking system during a downturn.Документ An analytic modeling the air-mist secondary cooling for continuously cast slabs(Луцький національний технічний університет, 2019) Miroshnichenko, V. I.; Simkin, O. I.; Мірошниченко, В. І.; Сімкін, О. І.An early developed approach toanalytic modeling the water-air coolingof flat steel products, based on meeting the “additivity” rule requirements, is applied to the secondary cooling of continuously cast slabs. The regimes, developed using the approach, provide optimal combinations of the heat transfer rate, residual stresslevels and nonlinear phenomena absence during the cooling. Good accordance of the calculated and industrially measured cooling trajectories together with the corresponding regime parameters was reached. The use of analytic dependencies obtained provides the higher effectiveness to control the secondary cooling compared with currently applied techniques of numerical on-line solving the systems of differential equations. The cooling regimes developed provide “softer” cooling within the whole temperature range, compared with the early models. An additional improvement of the slabs’ surface quality is expected to obtain because of the slowcooling according to the developed regimes.Документ Analytical investigation of the interaction of the sunflower stem with the lateral surface of the reaper lifter(National Institute for Research-Development of Machines and Installations Designed for Agriculture and Food Industry, 2018) Nalobina, O. O. ; Herasymchuk, O. P. ; Puts, V. S.; Martyniuk, V. L.; Shovkomyd, O. V.; Vasylchuk, N. V.; Bundza, О. Z.; Holotiuk, M. V.; Serilko, D. L.; Налобіна, О. О.; Бундза, О. З.; Голотюк, М. В.The design of a reaper that provides grinding of stems, which eliminates the need for mulcher application, offers the conditions for introducing a new technology of growing No-Till crops in agrarian enterprises. The substantiation method of the analytical model is proposed, which allows to determine the nature of the stem movement on the side surface of the sunflower header elevator in the process of their interaction.Документ Application of cloud computing in the process of professional training of physics teachers(Криворізький державний педагогічний університет, 2021) Velychko, V. Ye.; Fedorenko, E. G.; Kaidan, N. V.; Kaidan, V. P.; Величко, В. Є.; Федоренко, О. Г.; Кайдан, Н. В.; Кайдан, В. П.The use of cloud computing in the form of virtual laboratory workshops is a way to solve the existing problems of training future physics teachers, especially in the widespread use of e-learning. The world educational community has developed and is using a variety of electronic educational resources combined in collections and libraries, and the use of them in the educational activities of future physics teachers helps not only to diversify educational material but also to increase digital competence of all participants in the educational process. The study analyzed the available virtual laboratory workshops, proposed a scheme for the use of physical simulations, gave examples of their use in the study of physics.Документ Approaches and principles of intellectual capital management at industrial enterprises(Baltija Publishing, 2021) Derzhevetska, M. A.; Kukhtyk, T.; Getman, I. A.; Khoroshailo, O. S.; Держевецька, М. А.; Гетьман, І. А.; Хорошайло, О. С.Despite a large number of studies devoted to the intellectual capital management at industrial enterprises, its structure, evaluation and some issues remain fragmentary. In particular, there is no scientific approach to the interpretation of the content and formation of the intellectual capital structure. The process of transition of management technologies to a new level of SMART enterprises is not fully studied, and the system of rapid assessment of intellectual capital at industrial enterprises and express – management of it in connection with such transition is not considered. The need for further research in this area led us to the choice of the paper topic. The author's definition of the concept of intellectual capital is considered as a set of intellectual potential of people and structural capital, which on the basis of methods of formation, effective management, use and reproduction of intellectual resources (intellectual property and digital industry) is aimed at achieving economic efficiency of the enterprise. The paper considers the most significant approaches to intellectual capital management, highlights the features and advantages of each approach. An effective system of intellectual capital management at industrial enterprises is proposed. For this purpose, we recommend the fundamental requirements for an effective intellectual capital management system of industrial enterprises: the scientific principle, the principles of complexity and consistency, collegiality of decisions made, permanence, innovation principle and informatization. It is the principle of informatization that allows us to monitor the internal and external environment of the enterprise and consider the studied phenomena and factors in dynamics. For the effective implementation of the management system principles, the requirements of efficiency and adaptability, high speed, completeness and reliability are selected, which contribute to the construction of a competitive intellectual capital management system for industrial enterprises.Документ Assessment of the EU Countries’ Economic Security based on the Composite Indicators(Rutgers University, New Jersey, 2022) Khadzhynova, O.; Simanaviciene, Z.; Mints, A. Yu.; Burak, P.; Khachatrian, V.; Мінц, О. Ю.The authors propose an integral indicator of the economic security of a country, based on a study of economic, social, political and environmental indicators of security of 28 European Union countries. The study used panel regression methods, correlation analysis, nonlinear approximation, graphical methods. The research results make it possible to explain up to 58% of the variations in the studied indicators. The calculated values of the integral indicator of economic security correspond to empirical data. The indicator proposed by authors comprehensively characterizes the current state of the country’s economic security in the economic, social, political and environmental spheres. This indicator makes it possible to determine the level and disproportions of the country’s development and can become the basis for the formation of directions for ensuring its economic security.Документ Automatic machine learning algorithms for fraud detection in digital payment systems(PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 2020) Kolodiziev, O.; Mints, A. Yu.; Sidelov, P.; Pleskun, I.; Lozynska, O.; Мінц, О. Ю.Data on global financial statistics demonstrate that total losses from fraudulent transactions around the world are constantly growing. The issue of pay-ment fraud will be exacerbated by the digitalization of economic relations, in particular the introduction by banks of the concept of "Bank-as-a-Service", which will increase the burden on payment services. The aim of this study is to synthesize effective models for detecting fraud in digital payment sys-tems using automated machine learning and Big Data analysis algorithms.Approaches to expanding the information base to detect fraudulent transactions have been proposed and systematized. The choice of performance metrics for building and comparing models has been substan-tiated.The use of automatic machine learning algorithms has been proposed to resolve the issue, which makes it possible in a short time to go through a large num-ber of variants of models, their ensembles, and input data sets. As a result, our experiments allowed us to obtain the quality of classification based on the AUC metric at the level of 0.977‒0.982. This exceeds the effectiveness of the classifiers developed by tradition-al methods, even as the time spent on the synthesis of the models is much less and measured in hours. The models' ensemble has made it possible to detect up to 85.7 % of fraudulent transactions in the sample. The accuracy of fraud detection is also high (79‒85 %).The results of our study confirm the effectiveness of using automatic machine learning algorithms to synthesize fraud detection models in digital payment systems. In this case, efficiency is manifested not only by the resulting classifiers' quality but also by the reduction in the cost of their development, as well as by the high potential of interpretability. Implementing the study results could enable financial institutions to reduce the financial and temporal costs of developing and updating active systems against payment fraud, as well as improve the effectiveness of monitoring financial transactions.Документ Bridging Language Gaps in Technical Education: the Role of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) Learning(НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2024) Kochergina, S. S.; Khoroshailo, O. S.; Кочергіна, С. С.; Хорошайло, О. С.Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) is a discipline that recognizes the varying linguistic needs of students based on their fields of study or professions. While universities offer courses in business, medical, and legal English, the linguistic requirements of students in technical subjects often receive less attention. This article explores the importance of addressing the intricate vocabulary and concepts in technical fields, emphasizing the need for clear oral and written communication skills for students pursuing excellence in their studies. LSP courses, such as English for Engineers and Technologists, English for Mining Engineers, English for Students of Occupational Health and Safety, English for Environmental Engineers at LLC "Technical University "Metinvest Politechnika" cater to specific professional needs by tailoring instructional strategies and content. The article provides an overview of fundamental LSP concepts, historical context and the roles of key figures like John Swales, Dudley-Evans, and Anne Burns in shaping LSP theory and practice. English for Specific Purposes has evolved into a prominent subfield of English language instruction, focusing on developing language programs that meet individuals' communicative needs in various professions. The term "English for Specific Purposes" refers to teaching English aligned with specific occupational or academic goals, reflecting the discipline's ongoing evolution and contributions to language education. In the realm of technical higher education focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), language competency plays a critical role in students' success. This article highlights the ongoing evolution of "English for Specific Purposes," aligning English teaching with specific career goals and underlining its paramount role in technical higher education, particularly in STEM fields, for optimizing students' success.Документ ChatGPT як іноваційний метод навчання іноземної мови(Європейська наукова платформа, 2023) Хорошайло, О. С.; Кочергіна, С. С.З того моменту, як наприкінці 2022 року чат-бот ChatGPT з’явився у відкритому доступі, викладачів ВНЗ турбує питання його ролі на заняттях та поза ними, враховуючи (відносну) якість його відповідей і потенційно неетичне використання щодо академічної доброчесності.Документ Comparison of machine learning methods for a diabetes prediction information system(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021) Shmatko, O. V.; Korol, O.; Tkachov, A.; Otenko, V.; Шматко, О. В.Diabetes is a disease for which there is no permanent cure; therefore, methods and information systems are required for its early detection. This paper proposes an information system for predicting diabetes based on the use of data mining methods and machine learning (ML) algorithms. The paper discusses a number of machine learning methods such as decision trees (DT), logistic regression (LR), k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN). For our research, we used the Pima Indian Diabetes (PID) dataset collected from the UCI machine learning repository. The dataset contains information about 768 patients and their corresponding nine unique attributes. Research has been carried out to improve the prediction index based on the Recursive Feature Elimination method. We found that the logistic regression (LR) model performed well in predicting diabetes. We have shown that in order to use the created model topredict the likelihood of diabetes mellitus with an accuracy of 78%, it is necessary and sufficient to use such indicators of the patient's health status as the number of times of pregnancy, the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma during the oralglucose tolerance test, the BMI index and the result of the calculation. heredity functions "DiabetesPedigreeFunction"Документ A computer oriented model of blended learning of the English language(Національний технічний університет «Дніпровська політехніка», 2020) Isakova, Ye.; Zubenko, K. V.; Paziura, N.; Olekhnovych, V.; Ostashchuk, V.; Зубенко, K. В.; Ісакова, Є. П.; Пазюра, Н. В.; Олехнович, В. Д.; Остащук, В. І.An analysis of the experience of introducing the blended learning model in the process of learning English by students of a non-linguistic university in terms of the place of this model in the educational process, the relevance of its use in modern higher education conditions, defining basic criteria and requirements for the participants of the educational process to ensure the effective implementation of blended learning and determining conditions for the successful organization and control of training within the framework of the blended learning model. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results.Документ Corporate Social Responsibility Impact on Financial Performance: a Case for the Metallurgical Industry(University of Naples "Federico II", 2021) Mints, A. Yu.; Kamyshnykova, E. V.; Zherlitsyn, D. M.; Bukrina, K.; Bessonova, A.; Мінц, О. Ю.; Жерліцин, Д. М.Assessing the impact of methods of corporate social responsibility management on financial performance is one of the key aspects to implement strategic management into practices. There are contradictory results of this impact’s study in the literature due to the difference in the applied methods of measuring variables, errors in models etc. The available literature is still inconclusive about this aspect, in particular, for the metallurgical industry, which plays a significant role in Ukrainian and world economy. The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the impact of corporate social responsibility on the company financial performance and to determine the financial efficiency of socially responsible initiatives for the metallurgical industry in particular. It proposes methodology for assessing the impact of corporate social responsibility on the corporate financial performance, and it uses data from a socially oriented balanced scorecard. The research methodology includes correlation and regression analysis with panel data techniques based on data from a balanced scorecard for a sample of four dominant market participants in the Ukrainian metallurgy in 2010-2018. Authors assess the level of corporate social responsibility by indicators of four perspectives, such as: internal processes, learning and growth, environmental, and relational perspective that characterizes the level of satisfaction of various stakeholder groups with the company’s activities in the field of corporate social responsibility. The initial data for the analysis have been taken from the financial and non-financial statements and results of expert assessment. The study uses linear and panel regression models with fixed and random effects in order to demonstrate the impact of four independent variables (internal processes, learning and growth, environmental, and relational perspectives) on the financial perspective as a dependent variable. The panel effects made it possible to obtain more accurate model’s parameters compared to simple linear regression model. The empirical finding from the study illustrates a strong and statistically significant relationship between the relational perspective, which is a corporate social responsibility indicator, and the financial perspective in the socially oriented balanced scorecard. This means that the costs of creating and maintaining a positive image of metallurgical companies are fully justified by improving their bottom line. Future research directions compare the effectiveness of statistical methods evaluating the impact of corporate social responsibility on the company financial performance with alternative methods, e.g. data mining techniques, in terms of forecasting accuracy.Документ Criteria for Evaluation of Efficiency of Energy Transformation Based on Renewable Energy Sources(Economic Laboratory for Transition Research, Podgorica, 2018) Nitsenko, V.; Mardani, A.; Streimikis, J.; Shkrabak, I. V.; Klopov, I.; Novomlynets, O.; Podolska, O.; Шкрабак, І. В.In the context of shortage of natural resources in Ukraine, the prob-lem of evaluating efficiency of the implementation of renewable energy sources (RES) becomes of particular importance and comes in first place, since its solution will reduce the energy dependence of the state. Theoretical, methodological and practical issues of diver-sification of energy sources and evaluation of their effectiveness have found their development in modern works of domestic and foreign scientists. However, methods proposed by the scientists for evaluating efficiency of the transformation of energy consumption based on RES are purely theoretical and do not fully allow to deter-mine the current state and directions of diversification of energy sources. The research is aimed at improving methodological support and developing criteria for evaluating the efficiency of energy con-sumption transformation based on RES. The article considers the main methods of evaluating efficiency of involving RES in the energy consumption of the state, region and enterprise. Advantages, draw-backs and perspectives of diversifying energy sources based on RES are shown. The system of criteria for evaluating effectiveness of energy consumption transformation based on RES is proposed. It is based on economic, environmental and social efficiency.Документ A cross-impact analysis of the bank payment card market parameters and non-financial sectors’ indicators in the Ukrainian economy(LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, 2022) Mints, A. Yu.; Kolodiziev, O.; Krupka, M.; Vyshyvana, B.; Yastrubetska, L.; Мінц, О. Ю.In Ukraine, card payment systems develop at a rate similar to that of modern digital payment instruments in most European countries. The purpose of the paper is to establish interdependence and explain the nature of changing situations in the market of bank payment cards (BPC) taking into account the dynamics of economic development parameters in non-financial sectors of the Ukrainian economy. The methodology of the study includes graphic methods analyzing the dynamics of economic development indicators and a method for analyzing the cause-and-effect relationship between the studied parameters considered with different lags. Results showed that the most significant parameters for the development of the pay-ment card infrastructure were the level of provision with POS terminals and the share of non-cash transactions. Their correlation with the economic development indica-tors reached 0.97. Up to the stage when the volume of non-cash payments by cards reached 5% of GDP, the impact of the BPC market on the change in the level of eco-nomic development had been insignificant according to the general idea. The develop-ment of the economy up to that point stimulated the development of the BPC market. Subsequently, the BPC market that was already sufficiently developed became one of the drivers aimed at the development of non-financial sectors of the Ukrainian econo-my after overcoming the 5% GDP level.Документ DATA SCIENCE В УПРАВЛІННІ БІЗНЕС-ПРОЦЕСАМИ(2024) МІНЦ ОлексійДокумент Developing the Key Attributes for Product Matching Based onthe Item’s Image Tag Comparison(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020) Cherednichenko, O. Yu.; Yanholenko, O.; Kanishcheva, O.; Чередніченко, О. Ю.With the constant growth of the number of products on e-marketplaces, buyers feel hard to find and choose items that would satisfy all their needs and expectations. Search and filtering algorithms of recommender systems, although are striving to help users, still fail quite often due to incomplete and inaccurate description of items. The given work suggests to combine analysis of bothitem description and item image in order to construct groups of similar items. Since a person can define whether two items are similar or not looking at two images and a brief description, it is suggested to form a set of similar items based on users’ judgments and then to extract the core of keywords for the specific type of prod-ucts. Further, it is proposed to use the given core to evaluate the similarity of any new itemaddedto the definite group. The case study deals with the building of the core of keywords for sneakers. The developed key attributes allow matching the items with a high precision, thus, proving the effectiveness of the method of the core construction.Документ Development and research of the stamp for cutting of a rolled stock with a differentiated clamp(2022) Karnaukh, S. G.; Markov, O. E.; Shapoval, A. A.; Zubenko, K. V.; Зубенко, K. В.The work aims to develop and research a stamp with a differentiated clamp of a rolled stock for cutting by shear. A new stamp design with a differentiated clamp of the rolled stock has been developed. In terms of their technical and economic indicators, these stamps meet or exceed the modern samples of similar punch tools. At the same time, in the process of vertical cutting, a constant position of the rolled stock axis is ensured. The transmission of force to the clamp through the rolled stock is excluded. The stamp design ensures its sufficiently high rigidity and relatively small overall dimensions. Based on the analysis of the mathematical model of a stamp with a differentiated clamp, the effective angles of force transmission to the clamp and the cutting of the rolled stock between the stamp parts have been established. The resulting model was used to optimize the angles of force transfer to the clamp, and the cutting rolled stock, respecting the force from the side of a buffer and the minimum required press force. At the same time, the vertical stroke of the moving parts is reduced, the overall dimensions of the stamp are decreased, and the buffer also has a minimum size. To reduce the required force of the press, it is necessary to reduce the value of a frictional slipping coefficient by using antifriction materials on contact surfaces and ensuring good lubrication conditions. The results of the conducted experiments confirm the adequacy of the mathematical model. The value of the required force on the press slide available from experiments is slightly higher than the values obtained by the developed analytical model. The results of the stamp implementation show that: the stamps are efficient and reliable in exploitation; the quality of the cutoff workpieces corresponds to the quality indicators of the workpieces cut on similar modern equipment.Документ Development and Software Imple-mentation of the Hot Blast Stove Computer Model(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019) Koyfman, O. O.; Simkin, O. I.; Сімкін, О. І.; Койфман, О. О.Based on the evaluation of the existing methods of regenerative heat exchangers modeling, and, in particular, hot blast stoves ofblast furnaces, an algorithm for calculating of heat exchange in full cycle “on-gas” and “on-blast” was proposed and implemented as a computer application. The computer model includes adjustment coefficients, the values of which were determined based on the database of technological parameters of an actual hot blast stove block.The modeling results correspond to the actual mill data, it showing the adequacy of the developed model. The computer application will be implemented in the au-tomatic control systems of a hot blast stoves block.Документ Development of a mathematical model to monitoring the velocity of subsidence of charge material column in the blast furnace based on the parameters of gas pressure in the furnace tract(ПП "ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНИЙ ЦЕНТР"; Український державний університет залізничного транспорту, 2022) Kravchenko, V.; Vorotnikova, Z.; Simkin, O. I. ; Koyfman, O. O.; Кравченко, В. П. ; Воротнікова, З. Є.; Сімкін, О. І.; Койфман, О. О.A problem of estimating the velocity of subsidence of a column of charge materials using non-contact methods was considered. This is important because the level of furnace charge materials and the velocity of their subsidence are main indicators of melting intensity determining the furnace productivity.The design of a blast furnace and its blast path were described and existing methods and means of controlling the velocity of charge materials in the blast furnace were analyzed. A mathematical model was presented for estimating the velocity of subsidence of charge materials in a blast furnace based on the magnitude and fluctuations of gas pressure along the furnace shaft height. The model is based on the fact that the furnace gases rise up in the furnace shaft through elementary channels in the column of charge materials consisting of a combination of capacitances and resistances. Volume of capacities and values of resistance of elementary channels are constantly changing. This changes hydraulic resistance to gas movement in the blast furnace. The system of differential equations describes the dependence of the amplitude of pressure fluctuations on the amplitude of change in coefficients of resistance and frequency of pressure fluctuations on the frequency of change in coefficients of resistance. The experimental data on velocity of the column of charge materials and fluctuations in the pressure differential in the furnace were processed and their significant relationship was shown to confirm the previous theoretical study results. To assess the model adequacy, the simulation method was used. The results of the simulation model work were confirmed by experimental data.The developed mathematical model can be introduced into production. This will make it more economical and safer through better and more predictable control and improved flexibility in operation under different production conditions